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Research and Evaluation

Bring on the Polar Data: Two Approaches to Connect Students with Polar Data through the Polar-ICE Project

  • Kristin Hunter-Thomson


Through the Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education, or Polar-ICE Project, we explored different ways to connect teachers and students in elementary through high school to the Polar Regions. Getting all of our students to the Poles is impossible, and getting teachers to the Poles can be expensive and challenging. Fortunately, the number of instruments deployed in the Polar Regions that are collecting data and uploading it to the internet is increasing every year. Polar-ICE used these real-world data and storytelling techniques to connect new audiences to the Polar Regions.
Year: 2020
Volume: 34 Issue: 1
Page/Article: 29-32
DOI: 10.5334/cjme.47
Published on Mar 14, 2020
Peer Reviewed